Saturday 13 August 2016

Viral diseases Urdu

Viral diseases Urdu:

Viral diseases information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes
Viruses are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Viruses are even smaller than bacteria and require living hosts such as people, plants or animals for growth. Bacterial infections are diseases caused by bacteria. They occur as epidemics of infection depending on their mode of spread. There are many types of viruses that cause a wide variety of viral diseases. Here are some tips for different viral diseases.
  • A very simple home remedy for viral fever is drinking a mixture of ginger juice and honey.
  • Eat lots of fruits especially those which are rich in Vitamin C because these tend to strengthen our immune system and flushes off toxins from the body.
  • Viral diseases are not treatable with antibiotics, which can only cure bacterial diseases and infections.
  • For dengue virus orange juice must be taken because it helps in digestion and increases antibodies which encourages faster healing of the worn-out body.
  • For mumps is applying a piece of cloth or cotton wool soaked in mullein leaf tea on the affected cheeks. This remedy also helps in fighting the inflammation caused by mumps.
  • Drink papaya leaf extract because it increases blood platelet count. It’s quite simple to make take papaya leaves and wash them. Its best for dengue treatment.
  • Margosa leaves are also widely used as a remedy of mumps. Margosa leaves posses anti-inflammatory properties and thus are extremely beneficial in controlling the swelling occurring in mumps patients.
  • Prepare a powder from dried margosa leaves; blend it with turmeric powder and a teaspoon of water for preparing a paste. Apply the paste on the regions of the face affected by mumps swelling; also apply the paste on the regions behind the ears.

Teeth care tips

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How to care your teeth
With proper care, your teeth and gums can stay healthy throughout your life. A cute smile on your face makes you look younger, self assured, confident and more attractive. There are some kinds of fruits available which are used for teeth whitening and removing deposits. Tea and Coffee are the major reasons that your teeth lose its whitening and get discoloured. Lemons, strawberries, etc proved to be effective in removing the stains deposited on the teeth appear and make it as white as ever. All you have to do is to rub teeth with lemon juice and strawberries and you'll see the stains disappear. Since these fruits natures own gift, you have no side effects and you can see the effects from the first day of use. If you rub your teeth done, leave it attached for some time, and then use a toothbrush to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water. Brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste or cleaning by a dentist or other oral health professional are the best ways to remove plaque. There are some basic steps to caring for teeth and gums:
  1. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  2. After brushing your teeth for two to three minutes, rinse your mouth with water.
  3. Flossing
  4. Eating right
  5. Visiting the dentist
  6. Use small circular motions and short back-and-forth strokes while brushing.
  7. Clean your teeth at least twice a day after meals.
  8. Lightly brush your tongue to help keep your mouth clean.
  9. Low fluoride toothpaste is best for children under six years of age. Introduce low fluoride toothpaste from approximately 18 months of age.
  10. Be careful when wearing dentures because it may be harder for you to feel hot foods and drinks or notice bones in your mouth from your food.
  11. Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods.
  12. Do not use tobacco products—cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipes, or cigars.
  13. If you eat sugary foods and snacks, limit their intake – especially between meals.
  14. Drink plenty of tap water – especially if fluoridated.
  15. Milk and flavoured milks are preferable to other sugary drinks. If you do drink acidic and sugary drinks such as soft drinks, sports drinks, cordials and fruit juices, limit how often and how much of these you drink.

Essentials for health Urdu
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Health benefits of apples and lemons Urdu

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
All fruits and vegetables are beneficial for health but apple and lemon have their own special multiple benefits. Here are some of them.
  • The apple peel water is an excellent remedy for the inflamed eyes as an eye wash.
  • Apple is an excellent source of flavonoid and polyphenols which are powerful antioxidant.
  • Apple is also recommended for poor complexion. Studies also indicate that eating apples daily will reduce skin diseases.
  • Apple contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that can strengthen the blood.
  • Delicious and crunchy apple is one of the popular fruit that contain an impressive list of essential nutrients, which are required for normal growth and development and overall nutritional well-being.
  • Apple cider vinegar when used as beverage can help to prevent the formation of kidney stone.
  • Apples are known to remove weakness and add vigour and vitality of weak people.
  • Eating an apple daily can lower cholesterol and reduce skin diseases.
Lemon benefits:
  • Lemon is known to prevent and control diabetes.
  • Lemon lowers blood pressure and increases the levels of HDL (good cholesterol).
  • Lemon can help relieve many digestion problems when mixed with hot water. These include nausea, heartburn and parasites.
  • Lemon juice is said to give a glow to the skin.
  • Lemon is an excellent fruit that aids in fighting problems related to throat infections, sore throat and tonsillitis as it has an antibacterial property.
  • The skin of lemon dried under the sun and then ground to make powder can be applied to the hair for a few minutes before bath which relieves head ache and cools the body.
  • Lemon water can treat a person who is suffering from cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fever by increasing perspiration.
  • Applying lemon juice to acne dries the existing ones and prevents from getting more.
  • For toothache, apply fresh lemon juice on the painful area.
  • Lemon juice is an excellent treatment for dandruff and greasy hair.
  • Lemon juice when applied to hair after rinsing it , will give shine and volume to your hair.
  • Lemon applied over the face removes wrinkles and keeps you young.


Lemon health benefits لیموںUrdu

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Lemon and Banana health Benefits

There are countless benefits of lemon. Lemon is one of those super foods which has unlimited health and cosmetic benefits. The major benefits of lemons are it is strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers and their use as a weight loss aid because lemon juice is a digestive aid and liver cleanser. Lemon is sour, warm, promoter of gastric fire, constipation, dental problems,  throat infections, light and good for vision etc. Lemons are packed with numerous health benefiting nutrients. The fruit is low in calories, 29 calories per 100 g, one of the lowest among citrus group.
  • Lemon juice has proved itself in the treatment of hair care on a wide scale. Lemon juice if applied on the scalp can treat problems like dandruff, hair fall and other problems related to hair and scalp.
  • Lemon being a citrus fruit, fights against infection.
  • Lemon is an antioxidant which deactivates the free radicals preventing many dangerous diseases like stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancers.
  • Lemon-juice gives good relief in fever. Lemon-juice mixed with water is useful in quenching the thirst of the patients suffering from diabetes.
  • Lemon lowers blood pressure and increases the levels of HDL (good cholesterol) .
  • Lemon is very much useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and the bones. The vitamin C content of lemon helps considerably in calcium metabolism.
  • Lemon is found to be anti-carcinogenic which lower the rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
  • A few drops of lemon juice in hot water are believed to clear the digestive system and purify liver as well.
    Lemons like oranges contain a variety of phytochemicals. Hesperetin and naringeninare flavonoid glycosides commonly found in citrus fruits.
  • The skin of lemon dried under the sun and then ground to make powder can be applied to the hair for a few minutes before bath which relieves head ache and cools the body.
  • They contain healthy amount of minerals like iron, copper, potassium, and calcium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
    Applying lemon juice to acne dries the existing ones and prevents from getting more.
  • Lemon juice acts as a natural hair lightner and skin bleach which reduces the pigment melanin and prevents.

Teeth problems Urdu

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Beauty and white teeth is key of beauty, without white teeth you can not obtain pefect beauty. Read also teeth whitening tips.
  • Clove has been used to reduce tooth pain since ancient times. Place a few cloves or use clove oil on the painful location to reduce soreness.
  • The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and cures toothaches. Wheat grass can be chewed with beneficial results. It draws out toxins from the gums and thus checks bacterial growth.
  • A hot tea bag pressed to the tooth will provide almost instant relief.
  • Squeezing cotton wool soaked in brandy against the affected tooth helps numb the pain or try taking a swig of whiskey and holding it over the painful tooth.
  • Slice a cucumber and hold a piece against the painful tooth to get a soothing effect.
  • Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of the gums.
  • Paste of the bark of bay berry mixed with vinegar applied on the affected area will alleviate the pain and strengthen the gums.
  • If your gums develop abscess, hold some oats there to bring out the pus. This will reduce the pain.

Friday 12 August 2016

Treatment for different diseases Urdu

  • Exercise  help to relieve back pain. See a physical therapist or other spine specialist for exercises specific to your condition.
  • Always be careful on the surface you sleep as it can be the major cause of your back ache. Try to sleep on not very hard and not very soft bed so that your spine does get proper rest.
  • You could take a mixture of five black pepper corns, five cloves and one-gram dry ginger powder in your tea at least twice a day.
  • Consume warm water mixed with one tablespoon of honey to get rid of back ache.
  • Gently massage the aching areaIt will give you relief from back pain.
  • Include in diet tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, lettuce, and at least two lightly cooked vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, carrot, fruits.
  • Avoid direct bending for picking any thing from the ground instead bend your knees and then pick up the object to save our spine from undue pressure.
Remedies for fever:
  • Drink as much water as you can in order to replace fluid loss. It will also help to bring down body temperature.
  • Guava can help you lower the fever. To prepare the remedy, you should take a fresh guava and prepare a guava juice. Drink the juice when it’s a little warm.
  • Mix a pinch of Turmeric in a glass of warm Milk and drink.
  • Soak a cloth in warm water, squeeze, and put on your forehead when you're rested in bed or on a comfortable sit.
  • Avoid eating solid foods until the fever is gone. You can replace the foods by drinking plenty of distilled water and/or juices.
  • When you have fever do not take any supplement containing either iron or zinc. Taking iron causes great tension in a body that is fighting infection; and zinc is not absorbed by the body when you have fever.
  • Mix honey, lime juice and some ginger juice and have it. It is very effective.
Remedies for earache:
  • Add some garlic to a teaspoon of sesame oil. Warm this mixture. Lie on one side and put a few drops into one ear. Rest for 10 minutes, and then put a few drops into the other ear.
  • A whole onion should be cooked till it is soft and then it should be wrapped in a piece of cloth and applied over the ear to provide relief from earache and dizziness. Leave it on for a few minutes and then apply to the other ear as well.
  • Make a paste of ghee (clarified butter) and licorice. Apply this mix on the painful ear externally. This application can relieve the pain.
  • Another good earache home treatment can be prepared by warming tiny pieces of chopped radish in mustard oil and this oil can then be filtered into a glass bottle. In case of an earache, a few drops of this oil can be inserted into the affected ear to provide pain relief.
  • Mildly heat a little bit of sesame oil and add some Castor leaves. Apply this oil on the affected ear.
  • Wrap a hot water bottle in a towel. Use the towel-wrapped hot water bottle as a pillow by laying the sore ear on it. Again, the heat from the hot water bottle will ease the pain from the sore ear.
  • Burn a small piece of guggulu  herb. When smoke starts emanating, let it enter the affected ear. This treatment can relieve the ear pain.




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