Friday 12 August 2016

Healthy lifestyle tips     

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Water Miracles Drinking 8 glasses of water daily and making it a habit may seem to be a challenge, but do you know how this little effort can rejuvenate our lives.
1.Water boosts metabolic rate burning calories 3% faster.
2.It regulates body temperature and lubricates joints.
3.Helps body digest food properly and flushes out impurities from our system.
4.Hydrates our skin making it moisturized and beautiful.
5.Prevents and treats hypertension.
Water MiraclesYoga Power
Yoga Power
Yoga as serene and pure like water, benefits all three aspects of life, the spirit, mind and body. Simple and easy to practice yoga has numerous benefits:
1.It provides strength and endurance.
2.Helps in increased body awareness.
3.Stretches the muscles and soft tissues of your body.
4.Increases your body's flexibility.
5.Yoga is believed to "massage" all the organs of the body.
6.Helps every part of the body receive optimal blood supply.
!2 important rules for heathy life in Urdu:


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